150 Pairs of Socks Donated to Resole CIC
This month we partnered with Resole CIC, an amazing and creative community led outreach program that deliver quality new and used footwear to the most vulnerable in our society such as homeless people, young people at risk of youth/gang violence, unaccompanied refugee minors and those that are working poor who have to rely on soup kitchens and food banks to survive.
We donated 150 pairs of funky socks to go alongside Resole's new sneakers because every pair of sneakers needs a pair of clean socks!
Moosa, the founder of the organisation said, “It gives you great joy to see the self-esteem that a pair of new sneakers can bring to a person… some homeless people we have met are barefoot because they have had their shoes stolen at night while they sleep.”
Resole was born out of faith and the strong message of charity that runs through Islam and the Muslim community. They dedicate two nights a week varying across homeless hotspots in London, a weekly drop off at soup kitchens and responding from small and large charities seeking quality footwear for their clients or young people.
We would highly recommend you donate to the admirable handwork and efforts of Resole. They accept footwear in new or gently used condition and they also have a dedicated shoe cleaning services that brings used shoes back to life and near to new conditions. They also accept donations online here and it would really make a big difference in helping the outreach programme continue operating.
We are so humbled to be able to partner with such a kind and selfless organisation and we will definitely be distributing more socks to Resole in the near future!